Tori Sparks Official Website

“Tori Sparks is an adventurer.” - Rolling Stone


Tori Sparks is an American singer-songwriter living in Barcelona, Spain. She is known for her unconventional lyrics and her blending of folk, rock, and blues influences. Her sixth album, La Huerta, is a collaboration with flamenco fusion trio Calamento.

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Germany Tour: House Concert Hosted by Sue Sheehan (Hannover)

ENG: Tori Sparks + Javi Garcia play the house concert hosted by American expat Sue Sheehan. We love house concerts. Contact Sue for details and to attend the show.

CAS: Tori Sparks + Javi Garcia actuan en el concierto de la expat estadounidense Sue Sheehan. Ponte en contacto con Sue por mas detalles y para asistir.


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